ASEAN law enforcement handbook provides criminal justice and law enforcement officials from the ASEAN region with a strategic approach to deploying an arsenal of hard and soft laws and other associated tools for the prosecution of wildlife crimes. These include international cooperation, mutual legal assistance, anti-money laundering statutes, and extradition.

The handbook provides guidance on how these national and regional tools might be relevant to the investigation and prosecution of wildlife crime cases, and in processing or considering requests for assistance across ASEAN borders. 

A first of its kind for wildlife trafficking enforcement, the handbook complements existing ASEAN/ UN tools on combating transnational organized crimes, in particular the ASEAN Handbook on International Legal Cooperation in Trafficking in Persons Cases, and the Wildlife and Forest Crime Analytic Toolkit, both published by UNODC. 

The ASEAN Handbook on Legal Cooperation to Combat Wildlife Crime was launched in January 2016 at the Jakarta workshop.

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